
Write article, get Rp500.000 from peona lombok

Are you good at writing in english? Let's join writing here, you can get Rp500.000 cash every article we load.
But your article will be our selection first
If your article is worth publishing, we will let you know by email.

SEND your articles to
Email: Kemasomiandrian@gmail.com
Confirmation: 082339218855
With Format
Doc file.
Subject: Name of your article
Content: Your Name, Phone Number, Account No., A / N
Jangan Sedih Untuk Kamu Yang hanyabisa Nulis Artikel Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Kami Juga Sediakan lo Buat Kamu (Klik Disini) 
As an example of how to create English articles

Hints & Tips

    Lists must be your own work
    Must include 10 items
    Lists must be at least 1,800 words (including introduction)
    Include quality online sources (not Wikipedia or HuffingtonPost) that verify facts for each item on your list


Terms & Conditions

1 Copyright and Ownership

1.1 By submitting the list to us for consideration, you agree to these terms and conditions.

1.2 You confirm that you are the original writer of the list and that you own all rights and copyright relating to it.

1.3 If we purchase the list, you agree:

1.3.1 that you have voluntarily and willingly agreed to sell the list to Pesona lombok on these terms and conditions by submitting it for consideration;

1.3.2 that ownership, copyright, and all other rights (including moral rights) of the list and its content are transferred to Listverse once purchased;

1.3.3 that Pesona lombok may correct, edit, amend or otherwise change the content of a list;

1.3.4 to Pesona lombok publishing the name you provided when submitting the list as the author; and

1.3.5 that Pesona lombok has the full right to publish the list if and when it sees fit (including but not limited to all rights of publication on the Internet, books, magazines, TV, film, and newspapers, or other form of media).

1.4 For the avoidance of doubt, any property in a list rejected by Pesona lombok shall remain yours.

1.5 In submitting the list for consideration, you agree that you will not:

1.5.1 submit a list or other content that contains any viruses, malware, worms, Trojan horses, malicious code, or other device that could harm our technical infrastructure or system or that of our users;
Jangan Sedih Untuk Kamu Yang hanyabisa Nulis Artikel Dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Kami Juga Sediakan lo Buat Kamu (Klik Disini)
1.5.2 engage automated uses of the Pesona lombok site that are abusive or disruptive of the services; or

1.5.3 disrupt the Pesona lombok site by inundating it or placing it (or the networks or servers connected with it) under an undue burden with communications or other traffic that suggests no serious intent to use the site for its intended purpose.

1.6 You warrant to us that the list in the form provided by you is your own copyright, and does not violate or infringe (or could be reasonably expected to violate or infringe) the copyright, identity, registered trademark or intellectual property rights of another person.

1.7 You agree to fully indemnify and hold pesona lombok harmless against any liabilities, claims, costs (including legal costs), loss (including consequential loss) or damage incurred as a result of any list we have purchased from you, or as a result of any breach by you of these terms and conditions.

2 List Form

2.1 All submitted lists must:

2.1.1 include an introductory paragraph for the list;

2.1.2 have 10 items; and

2.1.3 include sources for each item (see the author’s guide for details).

3 No Partnership

3.1 These terms and conditions do not create an employment, agency, partnership, or joint venture relationship between you and us.

3.2 For the avoidance of doubt, each list submitted by you and purchased by Listverse constitutes a single one-off transaction between you and Pesona Lombok, on these terms and conditions.

4 Interpretation

4.1 References to:

4.1.1 “us”, “we”, “our” and “Pesona Lombok” are references to Listverse Limited (NZCN: 4117918);

4.1.2 “you”, “your” and “yours” are references to you as a person submitting a list to Pesona Lombok;

4.1.3 “list” and “lists” refer to all content submitted to Pesona Lombok through the “Submit a List” function.
As an example of how to create English articles

SEND your articles to
Email: Kemasomiandrian@gmail.com
Confirmation: 082339218855
With Format
Doc file.
Subject: Name of your article
Content: Your Name, Phone Number, Account No., A / N
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